Eye Services in Denton, TX

Our surgical services include:

  • Advanced no-stitch cataract surgery involving the most advanced intraocular implants available
  • Toric Lens implants that correct Astigmatism
  • Multifocal implants – implants that correct vision for both near and far
  • Crystalens accommodating implants that allow a patient to see at all distances

A comprehensive Ophthalmology Practice, Eye Care Associates of Denton, Dr. Nadeem Haq provides a variety of eye care services, which include:

  • Cataract evaluation and surgical treatment
  • Diabetic retinal evaluations
  • Glaucoma evaluations
  • Macular degeneration evaluation
  • Routine eye examinations and school examinations
  • Dry eye examinations
  • Eye glass prescriptions
  • Flashes and Floaters evaluation
  • Eye infection evaluation and treatment
  • Eye injury/ trauma evaluation and treatment